Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Letter from USHA President Regarding New Handballs

CLICK HERE for full letter from USHA Pres. Mike Steele regarding handball production efforts.

At the 4-Wall Nationals in 2004, held in Portland, Oregon, I was preparing to ref the 45-plus doubles final. Two hours later, when the match was finished, the players tossed the game ball to me—the last ball out of the four cans that were given to me. They had broken the other seven balls.

I bring this up because many players have fairly short memories. We should not forget those terribly bad batches of balls being produced in Taiwan in 2004. Of course, the sport has survived its various ball crises over the years including a major US company that left us in the lurch, a disaster in Pennsylvania and then a long learning curve in Mexico…and then something like normalcy as the USHA undertook to guarantee a supply of reasonably priced balls with consistent quality.

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